Reading - every night children should be reading for at least 20 minutes, 20 minutes might not seem like a lot but it really does add up. Regular reading helps children to improve their comprehension, spelling, vocabulary, writing as well as general knowledge and questioning skills.Children should be reading something that interests them and that they enjoy. We spend time in the school library every week where children can check out books to read at home, in the classroom we also have a range of books that relate to our inquiry topic that children are able to borrow to take home with them.
Basic Facts - These should be practised daily at home. Remember math is everywhere, it is when you tell the time to figure out how long you have on the computer or how much longer til your favourite tv show is on, when you are cooking dinner or baking, when you are figuring out directions, deciding how much food to buy and paying for your groceries.
In the classroom we also have activity sheets that students can help themselves to, these relate to what we are doing in class as well as revision. Each child should do at least one of these a week. This website is also great for practicing basic facts
Spelling - Each Monday children come home with a new set of spelling words that relate to their inquiry topic for them to practice during the week. We have a spelling test each Friday on their words for the week. The aim for this is to encourage students to begin to use the language of their inquiry topic, so they need to understand what their words mean and how they can use them.
Inquire - Talk about your day at school share your learning and findings with people at home. Continue to research; check the news, articles, internet and as always continue to ask questions.
Organisation - In Room 19 we are independent and responsible for ourselves, this means that we need to be organised and prepared. This means that each night children need to make sure in their school bag they have everything they need for the day ahead; school diary, PE uniform, swimming gear, books, hat and lunch.
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